Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Part about Letting Go


Letting go of SJAB-I've finally resigned my posts of NHQ CPBS Controller & NHQ Development (CPBS) Committee Secretary. Will be resigning from my position as Dy Zone Youth Affairs as well. I will be for purposes...a officer without duties and portfolio...

Freedom does taste good-not doing anything, not having people depend on you al the time anymore and not having to argue with stupid silly old farts. Waste of my efforts, waste of my time arguing over issues which matter greatly but they seem to take their time to wait and wait and wait. Their reasons being political, petty ans self-serving. Well i've had enough of this organisation. It seems it doesn't value our efforts as volunteers...

Bro heading to Oz: he's flown off to further his education. maybe him not being in Singapore will hit me later. i have a feeling it will. I usually dun miss ppl, but I think i will for him.

Marcus is one of the rare persons who will really listen without judging. Well not all the times...but we've been each other's Aunt Aggy for quite a stretch of time...he's not actually my blood bro, but although that being said, there is an underlining connection we have.

Being telepathic on a certain degree-thinking of the same thoughts...suddenly humming the same song etc... The only other person who is so connected to me would be my real bro Shaun.
I think him not being here will definately hit me sooner or later...and there might be no one to turn to...

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